Another MC came and went
Yay! Sometimes the HTML bar doesn't show up when I post from work but today it did! I can inflict you with links, different color schemes, bold print! Oh the possibilities are endless!
I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas celebration! As you might possibly know, here in Ohio we had what one could deem an ice/snow storm of sorts. Well being that I live in Ohio I know that we aren't equipped to deal with any "storm" in an efficient way. That being said, for two days (Thursday and Friday) we were without power (as were over 100,000 people in our area.) The thought of spending Christmas in a Hotel room was not the least bit enticing. Luckily (thanks Santa!) our power came on Christmas morning so we could open our gifts in a warm house of 72 degrees not the arctic house of 42 degrees!
So what did Santa bring me this year? You are going to think me odd (more so than usual) I got sleeveless work-out shirts with the word "nique" monogrammed on them! They are AWESOME! For those of you who know me, you won't think this is out of the ordinary. Since I try to spend every waking hour that I possibly can in the gym, this gift is so wonderful! Other than this and some other fun stuff, the 'rents granted my wish! I have to laugh because I was such a brat about not getting anything for Christmas but money. However now I can hit all the sales and get lots of fun clothes! Merry Christmas to me!
I want to know your most favorite present Santa brought to you!
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