It's Going to Become an Epidemic!
(please click the Tim's Blog button for your reference to the origin of the madness!)
Now, here are the rules for this Blog-a-thon. I'll offer to interview the next three (or so) people to respond to this post that will follow these rules:
1. Leave me (Dominique) a comment saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions here. They will be different questions than the ones below.
3. You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
I’d first like to say that these are thought provoking questions. I have enjoyed pondering my response. Now on with the show!
1. You get to relive one day of your life. You can’t change anything about it, you just get to relive it for memory’s sake. What day are you reliving?
I don’t think it would be any particular day but I’d like to relive a day in my life when I was 5 years old. I think it would be awesome to be 5 years old again! I had such a great childhood that any day in my youth would be awesome to relive. I miss being lil Miss Dominique with not a care in the world, catching lightning bugs in the summer nights, playing tv tag with all the neighbors, running around barefoot, and riding my big wheel. Those were the days!
2. Do you think exercise machines enjoy beating you up?
Exercise machines laugh at the maliciousness with which they beat my body. The funny thing is that I am the willing party to their severe and unending torture!
3. For the next 4 years you will be given a $50K/year stipend so you don’t have to work. What are you going to do with all your free time?
A dream come true Timmy, a dream come true. I will take Brad to Europe to travel and fluff off for 2 years. Enjoying our opportunity to Spend time in all of these places, learning about the culture and experiencing them not just as a vacation. After 2 years in Europe, I would like to travel outside to other countries as well (we could determine those destinations as we see fit) for the third year’s venture. The last year I would concentrate on compiling all that I’ve gained from my travels, photos, journals etc. and write a book making millions so I will never have to work again in my life except to raise my family and service my husband.
4. The winner gets the car of their dreams. You and Brad have 6 months to prepare. The winner is whoever is in better shape. Who gets the car?
6 months is a long time … it is a toss up. If there is any competitive force behind a goal then both Brad and I are seriously dedicated. I would win though. I am a woman and we all know that women are always the winners!
5. One of the classic signs that someone is about to commit suicide is that they give away their most valued possessions, if you were going to kill yourself, what would you give away and to whom?*
My most valued possessions are the pictures, notes and journals I’ve collected/written through the years, detailing all of my experiences and my life. I think it would be the most cruel thing in the world to bestow this sort of fossilization of myself to someone I loved before I killed myself…however it would be all the wonderful memories chronicling my life…I’d give these things to my best friend Amy. (sorry, someone’s got to have it and I know in time she’d appreciate it.)
*indicates I ran out and stole the question from Branshine
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