Ever notice...
Ever notice...in the Don't Walk blinking street signs, there are no apostrophes?
Ever notice...the more "diet" options that come out in America, the fatter America gets?
Ever notice...no one hand writes anything anymore? it is all printed out/stamped! i received Christmas cards where the sender didn't even sign their names! it was either stamped or computer printed! (you know who you are!)
Ever notice...i'm not much for capitalization? call it lazy pinky finger to the shift key syndrome, if you must call it something!
Ever notice...(women) the longer you are in a relationship, the longer your leg hair gets between shaving?
Ever notice...your eyebrows and shoulders are raised for an extended period of time where you'll finally realize this and relax and wonder why the hell you were doing this to begin with?
Ever notice...your decree to NEVER DRINK AGAIN after a really bad hangover lasts only a couple days or a week at best?
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