Tuesday, December 13, 2005

High Ho the Dairy O, A Mortgage Payment's On The Way...Hey!

I try to begin each post with the word "so." Don't ask me why. It is my train of thought I suppose. I think with the initial thought being "so....*enterextremelythoughtfulquery*"

Now then. The root of this post, I'm sick of living with people and paying them rent for a place which I hardly reside and can not intelligently be referred to as a roommate as I should be referred to as, "that girlfriend who pays rent for no reason and lives at her boyfriend's place." It seems so college-esque. Only in college I was not really paying rent, the government paid it with the promise that one day I would pay them back...for the rest of my life. Then it didn't seem so bad because I had tons of free money for spring break, beer and of course college books. I don't want to get into that insurmountable amount of debt and the ensuing degree received etc. etc.

Because I'm in love with the man in my life and know we will one day be united in that holy matrimonial state where you give up autonomy and remain forever unified at the hip and stuff. And the fact that neither one of us is gratified about throwing money to the housing hounds of hell, it is time to think about house hunting. dahn dahn daaaahn!

We are very excited and gung ho for sho! The frightening thing is the actual mortgage and being a grown up and actually paying for stuff that isn't eaten in the next week. Things like fur-ni-ture and a-pp-li-ances! I guess I am 27 years old so I can absolutely envision these things but actually paying for them is a different story. Therein lies the question begged, how do you pay for all this stuff? Oh Uncle Sam....more money please! Uncle Sam should be designated as my sugar daddy. Too bad he eventually wants the money back. What a downer!

The reality of the situation is that I cannot wait to share something so wonderful as our first house. It makes me smile.

I will have more updates as the hunt begins! Stay tuned! ha!