Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I hate to get political but...

Per CNN:
"One of the chief domestic goals of Bush's second term is an overhaul of Social Security. In a news conference in January, the president said the program is in a state of crisis and will be bankrupt by the time a worker in his mid-20s retires.

(my favorite)
He recommends letting workers create private savings accounts as a solution to the problem. Under the president's plan, employees could set aside some of the money they contribute to Social Security into a private savings account.
The accounts would be regulated and would, according to the president, generate a higher rate of return than money contributed to Social Security."

Sure, great idea but um...what about the thousands and thousands of dollars I've already contributed to Social Security? Hmm? Also I've heard Bush is lying about the state of Social Security and that he will make a lot of money by overhauling it.

Since tax time is coming around, I look to see how much money the government has gang raped from my "hard earned" paychecks. This ellicits a red hot rage that cannot be controlled! Especially now since I am paying the government to fund a war that the country wants no part in. I sure as fuck want no part in funding this war! As well, it goes to you know paying for billion dollar inaugurations and what not. Sweet!

I scream, cry, and complain with each paycheck's tax pillage to which my father says, "You pay these taxes to live in a free country" I counter with, "it sure as fuck isn't free if I'm paying for it!" To which he says, "you are paying for a democracy." I won't get into the rest of the conversation because I know that NO ONE is happy to pay our corrupt federal, state, local, medicare and social security taxes.

I would also like to point out that if ever it were the case that instead of directly withdrawing the money for taxes from our paychecks, that every tax payer at the end of the year would have to write a check...there would be a tax revolution. I wouldn't write the check. I'd move to another country for a while. Fuck Em! I hate taxes!

I am not looking forward to listening to our idiot president's State of the Union address. What an ASS!