Thursday, February 03, 2005

What does YOUR sb party invitation look like?


What: A football game between the over confident Patriots and the over rated Eagles

Why: Supposedly the game was originated to decide the NFL champion, but since the retirement of Boomer Essiason from football, it has been the event to showcase amazing commercials and elderly pop-singers boobs

Where: Although the game is played somewhere we don't care about... it can be watched on a TV set at (residence in Ohio), also known as Miche's and Bratt's house

Who: All people are invited, Aaron however will be in Vegas, please pass all bets to him, prior to his departure on Thursday.

When: I don't know, but look and see what time the game starts and then e-mail, call, or just show up somewhere close to that time.

What should you bring? Something to drink, and any snacks you might want to share w/ the group. We will have minuteman pizza cater the event as usual.

Can I invite my friends? Of course, invite one and all, we will have a great time and the more the merrier.

Will we be playing football at halftime? The answer is no... however naked snow-angels while we all laugh are always welcome.

I look forward to seeing you all there.

Peace, love, and a little chubb