Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Buy and Sell!

So yesterday after work I noted that my truck's little meter was inching quickly to the E in the gas tank. Meaning the baby girl needed some petrol. Right, so unless you've been living in a small cubby with no light and haven't joined what the rest of us call "society" in quite sometime, you know that petrol (gas) is a tad on the expensive side. Let me just call it like I see it, I'd rather pay a towing service to move my car from point a to point b as that would cost a shit load less than filling it up! I need an American Express Black card or I can't pay at the pump! Thanks Bush, you fucking asshole.

Anyway so I leave work and the first station I see, it says $2.34. TWO THIRTY FUCKING FOUR A GALLON?! I was less than happy about that to put it extremely lightly. So I think, hmm there has to be a station somewhere that still has it at the oh so wonderful (think sarcastic while reading that) 2.09 as seen earlier in the morning. Fucking 2.09 I'm happy to pay? I think not! However fucking 2.34 I won't pay!

Low and behold, thank my lucky stars for having to drive into the ghetto! I see $2.10!!! Wahooo! So in a very ecstatic commotion I swerve into the station like the General Lee with Cooter on my tail! (cooter!) I pull up to the first pump, check the actual pump to make sure those fuckers aren't messing with me and satisfied I jump out and start to load my credit card bent over fully expecting the anal penetration (with NO lube) to begin!

While taking the sodomization rather well there is a conversation on the other side of the pump. A truck full of Mexicans had pulled up (they don't travel alone folks) and the attendant inside the station asked them to please pre pay before starting the pumpage. So the one Mexican, we'll call him Jose. Jose futily says to the attendant, "I ain't payin inside first, (motions to second mexican, Diego) You go and pre pay!" Diego does what he is told and he disappears for a while. Jose apparently bored while waiting strikes up a conversation with a person who has apparently broken down a couple yards away. "Hey! (he yells to the broken down car guy) You selling that car?" I hear some verbiage but can't make it out. Jose yells, "Does it have power steering? No power steering?" Apparently even if the car is not going to move, the power steering would still be important! "How much?" Jose yells. Satisfied that he wasn't getting the car, he starts mumbling to Mexican #3. By this time, Diego is making his way back to the truck. (I'm finishing up w/ being disgraced anally. I top the bitch off at $30)

Upon placing the pump handle back in its home, Diego yells at me, "HEY! You selling that truck?" Out of nowhere comes this screech and I hear, "NO!! I'm not selling MY FUCKING TRUCK?!" come out of my mouth! Wow! ha ha (kinda surprised myself too!)

Jose pops his head around the corner and looks at my truck and says, "No, She ain't selling her truck!" (mocking me) I say a lot louder, "What is with you people (yeah, i went THERE!) and buying cars clearly not for sale?" Jose says, "That is what we do! We buy and sell cars!" I said, "Well you sure as fuck aren't selling my car!" Jose's like, "I'd give you $27 dollars for it!" I remarked snidely, "I can't even fill up the fucking gas tank for that!" Then I peeled outta there...again General Lee-ing it up! I had to laugh! Fucking Mexicans*! I'm a damn spaz! Aww.

*I am in no way a bigot or racist. you have to know that i am joking. anyone who takes offense can fuck off. ; )