Monday, May 23, 2005

Why is the floor so sticky?

I'm super excited to see the final (3rd installment) Star Wars! I think that will be a major "to do" this weekend. I sort of read Martin's post review but didn't want anything ruined so I quickly diverted any and all content aside from the end which states,"8 out of 10." Good enough for me! We all know Martin is the connoisseur of movies and aside from the fact that he actually enjoyed Lost in Translation (no you will NEVER live that down) I agree with most of his film reviews.

So, speaking of "weekends." Timmy, in a drunken stupor, I thought of you this weekend. Hovered in a straddle position over the men's toilet, I was allowing a sure fire aim into the porcelein water fountain. However, the first couple seconds of pee stubbornly went all but in the pot. I was laughing at myself and at the thought of you pissing all over the floor while ...not so intoxicated after drinking shots of water!

Anyway our situations were not so similar as I don't have a dick and I was not in the least bit aroused. I was also wasted and you, well you were a young, water logged mess! ha ha

You might be wondering why I was in the mens room to begin with. Well I don't "wait" in lines. I'm the woman who walks into a 15 stall men's room passing the herd of males positioned to the wall draining the "snake" if you will as I head to the one and only toilet with walls. In this case though, there was only one room with a door and a single toilet. It was clean for the most part...until I speckled the floor a bit. Don't worry, I didn't get any on me! We women know, that is all that matters. We figure, the men's room is dirty anyway...Fuck it!

So dear Tim, you should feel so honored. I would not have told that story if it weren't for you. You're welcome.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Just called to say "hello"

I hate losing a blogger! Where do they go? Why do they leave not to ever return? Have they filled their void blogger once filled? Can one really live without blogger?

I feel like a character in the death scene from any bad horror flick. Mortally wounded, lying on the ground dead as the protagonist relieves a deep sigh from the hard fought battle. The protagonist picks themself off the ground, gives the bloody body (me) one last look to satisfy the 50 stab wounds did in fact kill me. But wait! In a fit of more than just death muscle spasms, I too pick myself off the ground and continue on with a robotic like fever to kill just once more!!!!

Horror movies can be so gay! Not homosexual gay, just gay gay.
Anyway I really hope this isn't my last, last entry. I'm definitely not going to be as regular as I once was...why you may query? The powers that be have finally BLOCKED any blogging activity possible. Yes, you see, the corporate offices have restricted the blogging website...they also restricted ESPN! Can you believe that? They really want to see production go up or something?! Punk bitches!

So I really do have a life outside of work...which kind of stifles blogging activity after hours. Oh well. I will try hard to post for my sanity and yours!

This weeked rocked the casbah!! My birthday was yesterday and my ever lovely boyfriend Brad, surprised me once again! He got me an all day spa package! Hydro-tub, body wrap, body polish, mani/pedicure and an hour massage. It was the most amazing time. I have never been pampered so luxuriously. I love my man, he takes damn good care of me! And I like it!

I'm going back to sleep now but I miss all of you and will be by soon to write you some smart ass shite!